Key achievements in 2011 included;
Kilkenny Central Access Scheme - An Bord Pleanala approved the Central Access Scheme proposals in December 2011.
N10/N76 Ring Road Improvement Scheme - Road reconstruction works completed along the N10 Ring Road between the Old Dublin Road Roundabout and the Bohernatounish Road Roundabout. Work commenced in Q4 2011 on the reconstruction of the Waterford Road, Kells Road and Callan Road Roundabouts and on the provision of footpaths and cycle tracks.
TN10 Waterford Road to Danesfort Pavement Improvement Contract commenced in late 2011 and are expected to be completed in Q1 2012.
N77/N78 Hennebry's Cross - Part 8 approval, detailed design and land acquisition negotiations completed in 2011 with respect to the provision of a roundabout at the existing junction between the National Secondary Routes N77 and N78. Funding being sought from the NRA to allow the scheme go to construction in 2012.
N78 Damerstown - Preliminary design undertaken with respect to the realignment of approximately 1km of the N78 at Damerstown. Preliminary discussions undertaken with landowners with regard to land acquisition to enable the scheme to advance towards construction.
N24 Tower Road Piltown Overbridge - Preliminary Design and landtake details advanced for the provision of an overbridge and revised road layout at the Tower Road and Ink Bottle junctions on the N24. Discussions undertaken with affected landowners and a Part 8 proposal advertised in Q4 2011.
Northern Ring Road Extension and Nore River Crossing - (N77 Castlecomer Road to R693 Freshford Road). Hydrology Report completed in Q1 2011 and a design solution appraisal was undertaken on the preferred route in Q3 2011. Proposals to be submitted to An Bord Pleanala in Q1 2012 for appraisal regarding the requirement for EIS associated with the proposed scheme.
R697 Kells Road Improvement Scheme - This connection to Kilkenny City from the Ring Road is the only radial road route into to the City which is un-realigned. On foot of Part 8 approval discussions commenced with landowners in 2011 with a view to securing the lands necessary to advance the scheme to detail design and construction.
John Street Enhancement Scheme - In Q2 2011 road reconstruction, footpath reconstruction and traffic and pedestrian management enhancements were completed in John Street, Kilkenny.
Regional Road Sign Posting Contract - Signage strategy, detail design contract documents and signage erection was carried out on a number of Regional Routes within the County in 2011.
N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Realignment Scheme. In the 2011 the Preliminary Design was completed, the Ground Investigation Contract was awarded and completed and the Archaeology Contract was awarded and commenced.
The Smarter Travel Day was successfully launched in the City in 2011.
The Intelligent Signage Programme was substantially completed. This provides real-time information regarding parking availability within the City car-parks to motorists entering Kilkenny City.
The R703 Kiljames Bridge Widening Scheme was completed and officially opened in December 2011.
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In Q2 2011 road reconstruction, footpath reconstruction and traffic and pedestrian management enhancements were completed in John Street, Kilkenny. |
Road Safety
In parallel with the establishment of the National Road Safety Strategy for the period 2007 - 2012 Kilkenny Local Authorities, in consultation with An Garda Siochana, Ambulance Services, Health Service Executive, Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government, National Roads Authority, Road Safety Authority and local community representatives, developed the Kilkenny Road Safety Plan 2007 - 2012.
A review of the Kilkenny Road Safety Plan was completed in Q1 2011 which concluded that the 6 year target of a 25% reduction in fatal and serious injury accidents was met.
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6 year target of 25% reduction in fatal and series injury accidents was met. |